Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Top Three #22

It has finally happened, I did it. I broke down. I gave up. I bought a Mac...

Top Three reasons I bought a MAC-- (actually I give you an extra one this week!)

4. Environmental Impact--Best would be no computer, but if you're gonna have one, getting one with as low power consumption as possible that is also fully recyclable is about as good as it gets right now.

3. Those slick commercials--I want to be more like the Mac guy, not the PC guy, and now I can laugh a little harder without any guilt when I see the commercials.

2. Function/Reliability--My brother has had the same Mac for six years, I've gone through at least three PC's in the same time, I'm also looking to start doing more with video and photo and they are allegedly the place for all things graphics...I'll let you know on that one.

1. Cool Factor-- Yes, a big factor was the idea of sitting with my Macbook at Starbucks being cool and trendy...the kind of person I'd make fun of out of spite before.

Honorable Mention-- Size/Weight, This was actually one of the biggest factors but isn't as funny as the others. I ended up purchasing the Macbook Air, all three pounds of it!

So there you have it. It should arrive in the next couple days and my blog will become immediately cooler and more environmentally friendly! Of course in order to get my wife to agree to the purchase I also had to buy her a computer, she went with an HP...so we're a family still straddling the fence between the War of the Worlds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, you drank the Kool-Aid big time. :) Welcome to the Mac faithful, though.
