Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Creation Care

Our church is naturally very missional, but we're trying to become more intentional, as our guys were building out a new website, we settled on a new heading for our missions outreach, titling it Creation Care, here is a link to what I wrote there...I know that a few of you may question the theological basis for some of this (Charles Page!) but it's our way of sharing that what matters to our God matters to us so we'll put our faith and love into action...

It also sparked some more discussion within myself to flesh out this idea more fully, the manifesto is underway!

Happy Wednesday


Anonymous said...

I can not wait to tear this to shreads!

otherwise peace

WatchingHISstory said...

here is an article you might find interesting from a theological view. my comment to James was that it was a poor article from a man who calls himself Calvinist.

Anonymous said...

I really found this interesting. Creation care is something that I am thrilled to see emerging in the church in a non-politicized way -- presented in a biblical framework. I'm still improving on all of my efforts to go green, but I know I've gotten better.

I'm looking forward to a book coming out on April 1 by Nancy Sleeth. It's called, Go Green Save Green. Her husband wrote another book, Serve God Save the Planet, which is what actually got me started on these efforts.

The website says Nancy's book has "Hundreds of simple, easy-to-implement money-saving tips for going green at home and at the office." I found it at, so I'm trying to tell everyone about it. Her husband's book really changed my life.

I'll be checking your blog again. Thanks so much!

Jeremy said...

Thanks Sandra, Dr. Sleeth's book is one of my favorites on the subject. I have occasionally offered green tips here and will be doing more so in the future, and you won't need to get the printed book shipped to you or drive to the bookstore either! :-)
