Wednesday, August 13, 2008

basketball as life??...

I have recently started playing basketball again, though poorly and not as often as I'd like, thanks to Kevin Stover. After playing yesterday I started thinking...

I was once a pretty good basketball player, never great, but I had a consistent shot, good defense, and some speed. After neglecting it for about a decade, when I picked up the ball again it felt strange. What was once almost second nature had become awkward and foreign. My shot has morphed into something very weird and unreliable and I start to gasp for air almost immediately. For me, this made me realize that I've allowed that to happen in many areas of my life. I get busy and forget to call friends, or chat with my wife, or play basketball. Before I know it, it's been years and what was once so easy and enjoyable has become a chore that takes a lot of work.

As bad as it is, I know that if I keep with it and work on my game, that it will improve and get easier. And this has inspired me to not let other things I enjoy slip out of my routine.

1 comment:

Kevin Stover said...

Glad I could help in your realization. :P If there are any other deep, relational or theological truths you need to know...maybe we can go play after the Lee thing tomorrow.
