Sunday, September 28, 2008

WE can solve it!

I have always been at least mildly conscientious when it comes to the environment...I was never a big hunter, I've always resisted the urge to go buy a BIG diesel truck, and I even planted a tree once, but lately I have become increasingly concerned with my impact on the planet.

It probably has a lot to do with the fact that I have a three year old son and another one on the way, it makes me think more seriously about the future of the planet and my impact on it. The thing that has been holding me back from getting fanatical about the whole thing is that it's all of a sudden "cool" to be "green". I've always enjoyed being a little different and if green isn't different it lessens my interest...

In spite of that, there are some great informative web sites to help you in your quest to start being a part of the solution rather than the problem of climate change and general destruction. My favorite place to start is the WE campaign, and not just because of their nifty commercials or Al Gore.

So get out there and BE the change...and don't eat meat, drive, or buy anything NEW.

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