Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I travel pretty regularly for work, and occasionally for fun. My whole life I've been taking planes, but I noticed something recently that got me thinking...

I was on a plane from Atlanta to Charlotte, it's one of those up and down half hour flights, so you never really get high enough for the ground to be out of sight. On this particular trip I had a window seat, which is unusual since I prefer the aisle, but I decided to take advantage of it and enjoy the view.

What I noticed was that you can see for miles, entire cities can be seen in a single glance from 20,000 feet in the air. Everything is so small. You can look down and see entire subdivisions pass in a blink with their rows of nearly identical houses with pools. Traffic patterns become obvious and you can even catch a glimpse of the fastest way around the mess.

As I was watching and admiring all this, it hit me. This is like my life. I get so caught up in the actions/problems/opportunities of the moment that it seems all consuming and way too big to handle. All I need to do is step back and get a larger perspective to see that this VERY CRUCIAL time and decision is really just a small piece of a much bigger picture.

The next time you have a decision to make, look out the window of the plane before you choose, it has implications far beyond where you are and it will be gone before you know it.

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