Monday, September 8, 2008

Church Names

I deal with a lot of churches, probably corresponding with 20-30 different ones every week. Church names are interesting...

They can be very descriptive of location Lake, Bridge, Shady Hollow, Uptown/Downtown, etc.
They can give you insight into the ethinc makeup like African Methodist, Korean Presbyterian, Haitian Alliance, etc. (Although I don't run into many with Caucasian in the name...but I probably wouldn't want to work with them).
They can give you a clue as to when they were formed FIRST Baptist, Second united Methodist, etc. In the 80's and 90's it became popular to make the names proactive like Journey or Praise or Love and Kindness and the most recent trend has been to take that further with catchy names like Revolution, Elevation, Passion, Life, Gathering, Rock, etc... I like the recent wave of names, probably because I'm in their "target market", of 20 and 30 somethings...

I go to Lifepoint Community Church in Cleveland, TN, and immediately can think of several other cool churches with VERY similar names... LifePoint, Life, and Life Church, Charlotte. I wonder what God would call his church if he started one?
