Tuesday, September 2, 2008

There is still time

Well I missed it by a day, but it's time to write down some goals for the last third of the year. For me, setting some goals with very short time horizons can be more effective than having annual and longer goals, though it is certainly important to have those too...So here it is...

Be in better shape by the end of the year--How's that for vague! OK, here is a breakdown--

Do daily devotions and join a men's group- spiritual health
Start EVERY day with one hour of alone time with God reading and praying, followed by journaling. Go to bed at more consistent times to ensure consistency. Look for/start a men's group that meets at least monthly.

Payoff any remaining credit card debt by redirecting bonuses to them- financial health
Revisit budget with Erika to ensure that spending stays in line with plan. Sell apartment building to further reduce total debt.

Have monthly date night with wife, boys night with son, call friends- relationship health
Date night first Friday of every month, arrange baby sitter. Call friends while I'm driving on work trips. Get Alexander into Karate classes and possibly soccer.

Lose thirty pounds by improving diet and exercising- physical health
Play basketball weekly, possibly join a league.
Run three times a week, increase mileage every time.
Ab lounger and push ups daily
Eat at home at least four nights a week and snack healthy with more fruits, veggies, grains and nuts. ELIMINATE BEER COMPLETELY FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR.

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