Monday, October 27, 2008

Top 3--#4

Here we are again for another ranking of the Top 3...this week a subject that is near and dear to my heart...

TOP 3 1980's cartoons (for boys)--

"Back in My day" you looked forward to getting up early on saturdays to watch all the cartoons and you better not sleep in, no DVR and no Cartoon network! I threw in the caveat about being for boys so I don't get a bunch of hatemail from all the My little Pony and Care Bears fans out there but here are the best as I remember them, of course they must have memorable lines and a great song and the all important toy line tie in to keep your parents in the poor house trying to help you buy all the characters.

3. HE-Man

By the Power of Greyskull...

2. Transformers

Maybe it wasn't much more than met the eye, but it was fun and not a bad movie either.

1. G.I.JOE

Okay, so maybe I'm tainted by growing up in military communities, but what 8 year old didn't love it?

Honorable Mention--Thundercats!

So there it is my childhood glory remembered, now you know....and knowing is half the battle!

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