Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Top Three #20

Since the Academy has made their decisions, I guess it's now ok for me to share with the world my thoughts on the Top movies of 2008...

By Box Office Gross Receipts (and unlike the Oscar nominees, I DID see all of these)

3. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull-- I wasn't a big fan of this one

2. Iron Man-- This is the movie I saw last year that I'm most looking forward to seeing play out as a franchise.

1. Dark Knight--This was more than just a great performance by Heath Ledger, AMAZING effects, and the number two top grossing film of all time.

Honorable Mention-- Hancock, I was a little surprised this was the fourth highest grossing movie of the year and #63 of all time... I hope this doesn't lead to a sequel.

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