Friday, November 14, 2008

My Prayer

I have a few prayers that I say repeatedly, so much so that they become more habit than prayer. One I picked up a while back that had become habitual is "Break my heart for the things that break your heart". When I first started praying it was a passionate plea, it's become more of just another one of the things to check off the prayer list...

Today I heard from a good friend who is about to go through his second divorce. I was there the first time, and rather than offer encouragement or compassion, I might have actually helped to quicken it. This time, when I found out I cried. Not because his spouse was such a great person or because of any great tragedy unique to this situation. I cried, because it must break the heart of God when his children have their hearts broken...

So I will keep praying these prayers, but with a renewed sense of urgency. And I'm adding a new prayer, "When you break my heart, show me what to do to help".

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