Wednesday, July 30, 2008


is something I have never done well. I've often been accused of having ADD, and who knows maybe I do. Recently, I have become more intentional about planned periods of rest, usually just a couple hours in a morning or evening, but occasionally a whole day, to just rest and reflect on what I've done and what I'm doing next. Of course, you may have caught in that last sentence how I have managed to make even these times "productive", it's a start!

I really enjoy reading magazines (Relevant, GOOD, Portfolio, and Money are all favorites) and listening to music when I'm "resting" too. The important thing is to slow down long enough to realize that this life is so much more than the next appointment or deadline. Some of my best "rest" is actually spent with others too. Usually my wife and/or son, but sometimes a friend, dad, mom, or total stranger can be a part of a time of rest and renewal. We were made for a purpose which we too often neglect and in order to reconnect with that purpose, rest is essential. For an in depth study, The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan.


Kevin Stover said...

Good post. I love the fact that God commanded his people to take a day off. Guess being workaholics isn't anything new...

Anonymous said...

Moore, welcome to the blogosphere
