Monday, July 28, 2008

The beginning, and end, of an Era!

I have finally given in! I've been avoiding starting a Blog ever since my friend Nathan Bradfield suggested it several years ago. My problem with it had always been feeling like it was a little self-indulgent to assume that others would read what I have to say, I know--shocking with my over inflated ego. Having started journaling, in earnest, at the beginning of the year, and since I've also just finished the second chapter of a new book, I've decided that it is finally time to consolidate some of my ramblings in a place to allow others to confirm just how silly my rants really are.

So there you have it, the grand inspiration for what will be the blog of Jeremy Moore. I will initially be filing content in three categories-- Faith, Family, and Folly. All of you who know me probably have already guessed that I will be filing more under folly than anything else, not intentionally, but for some reason my mind just likes to go there. Updates will be frequent and likely very random, but remember, this is a guy who did a high school english paper on the value of streams of consciousness just to get away with nonsense.

Enjoy, and please shoot me an email or comment about how unnecessary all this is anytime.


James Laws said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. I look forward to the inevitable randomness and yet nuggets of insight that will no doubt find there way to the surface.

See you tomorrow night.

Nathan Bradfield said...

Why didn't you tell me you launched? I had to find you're link on your facebook page. Good stuff so far. I never knew you were a Tigers fan. How did that happen?
