Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Books I'm Reading

If you've talked to me for very long you already know that I am a book junkie. It hasn't always been like this but for the past few years I've had the goal or reading a book a week. I do best when I read them one at a time, but have recently picked up several that I'm chewing through all at once. They are:

Scripture as Communication by Jeannine Brown
Leading the Team Based Church by George Cladis
The Shack by William Young

I just finished a batch that had two of my new favorites EVER! Same Kind of Different as Me and The Rest of God. They both inspired me to not do more, but more of the right things. I often get busy, but my most effective moments come when I start saying no to some of the good to really focus on the great. Easier said than done, for me it's a daily process of starting at the top of the priority list and making sure that I spend time on those few most important things.---I think I will expand on the priority/schedule piece in a seperate blog. Just wanted to throw out the idea of constantly sharpening the saw through reading a variety of books on a variety of topics from a variety of sources.

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